Melva Mitchell Fort Worth The sleeping positions that are best for your spine

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth The sleeping positions that are best for your spine

Melva Mitchell Gray That rest is essential to have a healthy life and that the body stays strong is something we all know. All specialists recommend sleeping at least between 7 and 8 hours each night, to recover the physical and mental energy spent during the day.

But, obviously, rest and recovery are not optimal if they are not carried out in the right conditions. That is what happens, for example, with the body. Bad postures at night, added to those accumulated during the day, are the cause of many of the discomforts and back ailments.

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth The sleeping positions that are best for your spine
Melva Mitchell Fort Worth For this reason, specialists give some indications of the best postures to adopt for night rest, in which not only comfort but also the structural ergonomics of the spine are taken into account, so that it can also rest and sleep is restful in every sense.

The best option: sleep on your back
All the experts agree: sleeping on your back is best for your spine. And it is that in this way it rests with the spine straight, without forcing it, and equally distributing all the weight of the body.

Melva Mitchell Gray - Sleeping on your side, another good choice
Sleeping on your side is another acceptable option to take care of your back while you sleep. In this position, the spinal column does not suffer, as long as the appropriate pillow is used: one with a greater thickness and density than in the previous case, since that is the only way to guarantee that the neck is aligned with the rest of the spine. back.

The worst option: sleeping on your stomach
In general, medical professionals do not recommend sleeping on your stomach. Sleeping on the front of the body forces the neck to remain turned for many hours in an inappropriate position. In this way, the entire cervical area (muscles, nerves, tendons and bones) is subjected to continuous stress due to excessive rotation of the spine.


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