Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Inflammatory Vs Mechanical Back Pain

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Inflammatory Vs Mechanical Back Pain

Inflammatory back pain (IBP) is a type of localized pain of the spine / sacrum that is chronic and distinguished from mechanical back pain by a number of important diagnostic features.


Dr Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Inflammatory back pain, also known as I BP, is an inflammation of the central nervous system (CNS) located in the axis, spine and sacral joints. It differs in a number of key diagnostic features.

The pain of inflammatory back pain is more often confined to the lumbar spine and can be accompanied by buttock pain alternating from one side to the other. However, it is the characteristic chronicity and the course of the patient's pain that distinguishes IBP from other causes and distinguishes it from the main diagnostic features.


However, I differ from mechanical back pain in that it manifests itself in different ways. The pain in the case of inflammatory back pain is more often limited to the lumbar spine and can be associated with buttock pain on one side.

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth If your back pain is mechanical, the best treatment method is often to leave time to let things heal and try physical therapy. The treatment that is suitable for mechanical back pain may not be right for inflammatory pain.

If your doctor suspects that you have anything other than mechanical back pain, he will often refer you to a rheumatologist specializing in AS or arthritis. An experienced physiotherapist with training in spinal diseases can be of enormous help if you suffer from back pain and struggle to get an answer you have forgotten.



If you have chronic back pain that lasts longer than three months, consult your GP before starting a exercise programme. Exercise is an important part of preventing back pain and reducing the risk that you have it, but not the cause.

A physical therapy consultation is probably necessary if inflammatory back pain and / or inflammatory diseases associated with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease or cancer have responded positively to movement therapy.

Dr Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Consultation For patients with inflammatory back pain or an inflammatory disease associated with a high body mass index (BMI) or severe inflammation, a consultation on physical therapy is probably not necessary.

If inflammatory back pain and an inflammatory disease - associated with inflammatory pain - respond favourably to movement therapy or therapy, then these people probably no longer need physical therapy consultations.


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